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∮Ω奧米加空間∮»Starfleet Academy [星艦學院]»【轉貼】[教學]星球學--各級星球等級分類

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Captain JM

註冊時間:2002-05-13 00:34
(第 1 篇) 【轉貼】[教學]星球學--各級星球等級分類

Class A (Gas Supergiant):
  Class A planets are usually found in a star's outer or "cold zone". They
are ususally between 140,000 and 10 million kilometres in diameter and are
able to radiate heat due to high core temperatures. Their surface is comprised
of gaseous hydrogen and hydrogen compounds and is as a result of low stellar
radiation and high planet gravity. An example of a Class A planet is Jupiter.
Class B (Gas Giant):
  Class B planets, like Class A planets, are also found in a star's
"cold zone". They are smaller than Class A planets and are usually between
50,000 and 140,000 kilometers in diameter. They have high core temperatures
but do not radiate as much heat as Class A planets. Their surface is also
composed from gaseous hydrogen and hydrogen compounds, due to the low stellar
radiation and high planet gravity. An example of a Class B planet is Saturn.
Class C (Reducing):
  Class C planets can be found in a star's "habitable zone" and are usually
between 10,000 and 15,000 kilometers in diameter. They have dense atmospheres,
which leads to the "greenhouse effect". As a result, Class C planets have very
high surface temperatures and the only water found there is in vapour form.
An example of a Class C planet is Venus.
Class D (Geo-Plastic):
  Class D planets are usually found in a star's "habitable zone" and are
usually between 10,000 and 15,000 kilometers in diameter. They have a molten
surface because they have been formed recently. Their atmosphere contains
many hydrogen compounds and reactive gases. A Class D planet will cool down
to form a Class E planet.
Class E (Geo-Metallic):
  Class E planets are found in a star's "habitable zone" and have molten
cores. They are usually between 10,000 and 15,000 kilometers in diameter.
Their atmosphere still contains hydrogen compounds. A Class E planet will
cool down further to become a Class F planet.
Class F (Geo-Crystalline):
  Class F planets are found in a star's "habitable zone" and are usually
between 10,000 and 15,000 kilometers in diameter. Their surfaces are still
crystallizing and their atmospheres still contain some toxic gases. A Class
F planet will cool down even further and will eventually become a Class C,
M or N planet.
Class G (Desert):
  Class G planets can be found in any of a star's zones and are usually
between 8,000 and 15,000 kilometers in diameter. Their surfaces are usually
hot and their atmospheres contain heavy gases and metal vapours.
Class H (Geo-Thermal):
  Class H planets are found in a star's "habitable zone" or "cold one" and
        are usually between 1,000 and 10,000 kilometers in diameter. Their surfaces
are partially molten and their atmospheres contain many hydrogen compounds.
Class H planets coold own to form Class L planets.
Class I (Asteroid/ Moon):
  A Class I planetary body can be found in any of a star's zones and is
usually found found in orbit of larger planets or in asteroid fields. They
are usually between 100 and 1,000 kilometers in diameter. They have no
atmosphere and their surfaces are barren and cratered. An example of a
Class I body is the Earth's moon.
Class J (Geo-Morteus):
  Class J planets are usually found in a star's "hot zone" and are between
1,000 and 10,000 kilometers in diameter. Their proximity to the star means
that they have very high surface temperatures and their atmospheres are
extremely tenuous with few chemically active gases. An example of a Class
J planet is Mercury.
Class K (Adaptable):
  Class K planets are found in a star's "habitable zone" and are adaptable
for humanoid colonization through the use of pressure doems and other
life-support devices. They are usually between 5,000 and 10,000 kilometers
  in diameter. Their atmospheres are thin. Only small amounts of water can be
found on a Class K planet. An example of this type of planet is Mars.
Class L (Geo-Inactive):
  Class L planets are found in a star's "habitable zone" or "cold zone" and
are usually between 1,000 and 10,000 kilometers in diameter. Their
atmospheres are frozen due to low solar radiation and minimal internal
heat. An example of a Class L planet is Pluto
Class M (Terrestrial):
  Class M planets are found in a star's "habitable zone" and are usually
between 10,000 and 15,000 kilometers in diameter. Their atmospheres contain
oxygen and nitrogen. Water and life-forms are abundant. If over 97% of the
surface is covered by water, then the planet is designated a Class N planet.
Examples of Class M planets include Earth, Cardassia and Vulcan.
Class N (Pelagic):
  Class N planets are usually found in a star's "habitable zone" and are
usually between 10,000 and 15,000 kilometers in diameter. Their atmospheres,
like those of Class M planets, are composed of nitrogen and oxygen and water
and life-forms are usually abundant. They are differentiated from Class M
planets by the fact that at least 97% of their surfaces are covered by water.
Class S (Near Star):
  Class S planets are found in a star;'s "cold zone" and are between 50
million and 120 million kilometers in diameter. Their high core temperaures
cause them to radiate heat and light. These are the largest planets there
can be as Class S planets that reach this size usually become stars.
Class T (Gas Ultragiant):
  Class T planets are found in a star's "cold zone" and are between 10
million and 50 million kilometers in diameter. Their high core temperatures
mean that enough heat is radiated to keep water in a liquid state despite
the low solar radiation the planet receives.
Class Y (Demon):
  Class Y planets and planetoids can be found in any of a stars zones and
are usually between 10,000 and 15,000 kilometers in diameter. A Class Y
atmosphere has been deemed by Starfleet to be the most inhospitable
enviroment to humanoid life that there is. Its atmosphere it turbulent and
is saturated with poisonous chemicals and thermionis radiation. Its surface
temperature can reach in excess of 500K. Transport and communication are
difficult and sometimes near impossible. Even entering its enviroment is a
dangerous prospect.

Space, the final frontier.
These are the voyages of the starship Prometheous.
It's continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds;
to seek out new life,
and new civilizations;
to boldy go where no one has gone before.
發表時間:2002-07-28 21:35
Captain JM的個人資料 傳送郵件給Captain JM Captain JM的個人首頁 Captain JM發表的所有文章 送出悄悄話給Captain JM ICQ:54298585 IP:218.*.*.* 編輯  引言回覆 
Captain JM

註冊時間:2002-05-13 00:34
(第 2 篇)

Class A (氣態超巨星):
  Class A 行星通常出現在恆星系的外側或 "冷區",
  直徑大多在 140,000~10,000,000 公里, 因地核的高溫而輻射出熱量
  行星表面充滿氣態的氫及其化合物, 因此輻射量低而重力強
  典型的 Class A 行星就是木星
Class B (氣態巨星):
  Class B 行星, 與 Class A 行星相似, 出現在恆星系中的 "冷區"
  比 Class A 行星略小, 直徑通常在 50,000~140,000 公里
  地核溫度高但輻射的熱量不如 Class A 行星那麼多
  行星表面同樣充滿氫氣及其化合物, 導致低輻射及強大重力
  典型的 Class B 行星是土星
Class C (還原):
  Class C 行星通常出現在恆星的 "可居住區", 直徑通常在 10,000~15,000 公里
  有濃厚的大氣層, 因此導致溫室效應,
  所以 Class C 行星的地表溫度很高, 水都以蒸氣型態存在
  典型的 Class C 行星是金星
Class D (塑性地表):
  Class D 行星通常出現在恆星的 "可居住區", 直徑通常在 10,000~15,000 公里
  因為新近形成所以地表成熔融狀態, 大氣層充滿氫化物及活性氣體
  Class D 行星在冷卻後會成為 Class C 或 Class E 行星
Class E (金屬地表):
  Class E 行星出現在恆星的 "可居住區", 地核是融化的
  通常直徑在10,000~15,000 公里, 大氣層仍有氫化物
  Class E 行星在冷卻後會成為 Class F 行星
Class F (結晶地表):
  Class F 行星通常出現在恆星的 "可居住區", 直徑通常在 10,000~15,000 公里
  地表仍然在進行結晶, 大氣層仍含有毒性氣體
  Class F 行星會繼續冷卻, 直到最後成為 Class C, M 或 N 行星
Class G (沙漠):
  Class G 行星可出現在恆星系中任何地方, 直徑在 8,000~15,000 公里
  地表通常炎熱, 大氣中含有大量的氣體及金屬蒸氣
Class H (熱地表):
  Class H 行星出現在恆星的 "可居住區" 或 "冷區", 直徑通常在 1,000~10,000 公里
  地表為半融化狀態, 大氣富含氫化物
  Class H 行星冷卻後形成 Class L 行星
Class I (小行星/衛星):
  Class I 天體可在星系中的任何位置出現, 通常位於較大行星的軌道或小行星帶
  直徑通常在 100~1,000 公里, 沒有大氣, 表面佈滿坑洞
  典型的 Class I 天體是地球的衛星, 月亮
Class J (Morteus 地表):
  Class J 行星通常出現在恆星系的 "熱區", 直徑在 1,000~10,000 公里
  因為靠恆星太近, 所以地表溫度非常高, 大氣極度稀薄, 只有少數活性氣體
  典型的 Class J 行星是水星
Class K (可適應):
  Class K 行星出現在恆星的 "可居住區", 若配合適當裝備可供人類殖民
  直徑通常在 5,000~10,000 公里, 大氣稀薄, 水量亦少
  典型的 Class K 行星是火星
     Class L (惰性地表):
  Class L 行星出現在恆星的 "可居住區" 或 "冷區", 直徑通常在 1,000~10,000 公里
  因為恆星輻射量太低, 星球內能少而導致大氣層凍結
  典型的 Class L 行星是冥王星
Class M (類地):
  Class M 行星出現在恆星的 "可居住區", 直徑通常在 10,000~15,000 公里
  大氣中含有氧及氮, 充滿水及生物
  但若地表 97% 以上皆被水掩蓋, 則歸類為 Class N 行星
  典型的 Class M 行星包括地球, Cardassia 跟 Vulcan
Class N (遠洋):
  Class N 行星通常出現在恆星的 "可居住區", 直徑通常在 10,000~15,000 公里
  大氣與 Class M 行星同樣含有氧及氮, 充滿水及生物
  唯一的差別是地表至少被 97% 的水掩蓋\r
Class S (近恆星):
  Class S 行星出現在恆星的 "冷區", 直徑 50,000,000~120,000,000 公里
  這是最大的行星, 因為通常這麼大的行星會成為恆星
Class T (氣體極巨星):
   Class T 行星通常出現在星系的 "冷區", 直徑 10,000,000~50,000,000 公里
   因為地核溫度很高, 即使接收到的恆星輻射很少, 仍可使水處在液體狀態
Class Y (惡魔):
  Class Y 行星及小行星出現在星系中的任何地方, 直徑 10,000~15,000 公里
  充滿亂流, 飽和毒性化合物及熱離子輻射, 地表溫度可高達 500K
  交通或通訊十分困難, 甚至接近不可能

Space, the final frontier.
These are the voyages of the starship Prometheous.
It's continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds;
to seek out new life,
and new civilizations;
to boldy go where no one has gone before.
發表時間:2002-07-28 21:38
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