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∮Ω奧米加空間∮»Klingon Empire [克林貢帝國]»克林貢字典中文化

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來自:Klingon Empire , Qo'noS 行星
註冊時間:2002-05-15 01:12
(第 1 篇) 克林貢字典中文化

a baH fire (v) 就和 English 中 psalm 的 a 一樣。

b baH fire (v) 就和 English 中 bronchitis 或 gazebo 的 b 一樣,有些 Klingon 發這個音就好像同時發 m 和 b ﹝念念看 English 的 imbalance 但不要發開始的 i 和結尾 alance 的音﹞,非常少數的 Klingon 發 b 這個音就像 m。

ch chontay ritual hunt (n) 就和 English 中 chew 或 artichoke 的 ch 一樣。

D HoD captain (n) 很像 English 中 dream 或 android 的 d,但不完全相同,d 是舌尖頂在上齒後方一點點發出聲音,發 D 的音時,舌尖必須在更後方﹝就是在上齒和軟顎的中間﹞。和 b 一樣,有些 Klingon 發這個音就好像 nd,或就像 n,當然,發成 n 音時,方法和發 D 時一樣。

e ghobe' no (answer to a question) (excl) 就和 English 中 sensor 的 e 一樣。

gh ghobe' no (answer to a question) (excl) 和發 English 中 gobble 的 g 方法一樣,但舌頭放鬆並哼著,很像 H,但是發聲只靠聲帶的振動。

H baH fire (v) 很像 German 作曲家 Bach 或是 Yiddish 土司 l'chaim 的 ch﹝當然必須要懂得這兩種語言﹞,和發 gh 的方法一樣,但要用強烈粗獷的聲音且聲帶不能振動。

I pItlh done (excl) 就和 English 中 misfit 的 i 一樣。

j jIyaj I understand . 就和 English 中 junk 的 j 一樣。

l lopno' party , celebration (n) 就和 English 中 lunge 或 alchemy 的 l 一樣。

m yIqIm (You) pay attention ! 就和 English 中 mud 或 pneumatic 的 m 一樣。非常少數的 Klingon 發 m 這個音就像 b。

n nuH weapon (n) 就和 English 中 nectarine 或 sunspot 的 n 一樣。方法和發 English 的 n 相同,和把 D 發成 n 的方法是不同的。

ng pevang (All of you) take action ! 就和 English 中 furlong 的 ng 一樣,念一次 English 的 dang 去掉 da 的音就是 ng。

o HoD captain (n) 就和 English 中 mosaic 的 o 一樣。

p pu' phaser (n) 就和 English 中 parallax 或 opprobrium 的 p 一樣,但常常要大力把氣吐出來。

q nuqneH What do you want ? 很像 English 中 kumquat 的 k,但不完全相同。發 gh 時舌頭在下齒後方,但發 q 時舌頭必須在更後方,當然,舌頭會碰到懸壅垂﹝就是喉嚨前方摸到會嘔吐那裡﹞,發音時有些氣聲。

Q Qapla' success (n) 發音方法和 q 相同,但要由喉嚨發出粗糙、強烈的聲音,很像 q 和 H 的混合。

r raHta' type of food , racht (n) 不像美式 English 的 r,但像英式 English 的 r,也有很多歐洲語言中的 r 和 r 很像,需捲舌發音,微微顫動。

S HIghoS You go away from me . 像發 English 的 s 和 sh 之間就和 English 中 syringe 的 sy 或 shuttlecock 的 sh 一樣。

t chontay ritual hunt (n) 就和 English 中 tarpaulin 或 critique 的 t 一樣。

tlh pItlh done (excl) 很像蛋的 Aztec 文-- tetl 的最後一個音。發音時舌頭尖端碰觸的地方和發 t 時相同,氣從牙齒和舌頭間吐出來。

u nuH weapon (n) 就和 English 中 gun 或 prune 的 u 一樣。

v pevang (All of you) take action ! 就和 English 中 vulgar 或 demonstrative 的 v 一樣。

w wornagh Klingon ale , warnog (n) 通常就和 English 中 worrywart 或 cow 的 w 一樣,在一些情況中--特別是思考時,發音會像 Hw 或 Huw。

y jIyaj I understand . 就和 English 中 yodel 或 joy 的 y 一樣。

' 'oy'naQ painstick (n) 不發音,但如果 ' 在字尾則需把 ' 前的字母再輕微地念出來,在發音者特別亢奮或生氣時,則會很清楚地念出來。


Klingon 句子的基本語法為:

受詞 + 動詞 + 主詞



名詞 -1-2-3-4-5



-'a' (augmentative) SuS (wind , breeze) SuS'a' (strong wind) Qagh (mistake) Qagh'a' (strong wind) woQ (power) woQ'a' (strong wind)

-Hom (diminutive) SuS (wind , breeze) SuSHom (wisp of air) roj (peace) rojHom (truce , temporary peace)

-oy (endearment) vav (father) vavoy (daddy) be'nI (sister) be'nIoy (sis)


-pu' (plural for beings capable of using language) yaS (officer) yaSpu' (officers) Duy emissary Duypu' (emissaries)

-Du' (plural for body parts) qam (foot) qamDu' (feet) tlhom (nostril) tlhonDu' (nostrils)

-mey (plural) mID (colony) mIDmey (colonies) yuQ (planet) yuQmey (planets)

有些名詞的複數不是加字尾,而是名詞本身有複數形態: DoS (target) ray' (targets) peng (torpedo) cha (torpedoes) vIj (thruster) chuyDaH (thrusters)


-qoq (so-callde) roj (peace) rojqoq (so-called peace)

-Hey (apparent) Duj (vessel) DujHey (an apparent vessel)

-na' (definite) Duj (vessel) Dujna' (a definite vessel , undoubtedly a vessel)


-wIj (my)

-maj (our)

-lIj (your)

-raj (your) (plural)

-Daj (his , her , its)

-chaj (their) juH (home) juHwIj (my home)

以下的第四類字尾只加於能使用語言的名詞之後: -wI' (my)

-ma' (our)

-lI' (your)

-ra' (your) (plural)

puq (child) puqlI' (your child)

joH (lord) joHwI' (my lord)

其實加 wI'、ma'、lI'、ra' 的都可以換成加 wIj、maj、lIj、raj,但是如果 joHwI' 寫成 joHwIj 會有損人格。

在這裡說明 noun1 of noun2 的用法: jagh (enemy) nuH (weapon) jagh nuH (weapon of the enemy)

-vam (this) nuH (weapon) nuHvam (this weapon) (near me as I speak) yuQ (planet) yuQvam (this planet) (that we've been talking about)

-vetlh (that) nuH (weapon) unHvetlh (that weapon) (over there) yuQ (planet) yuQvetlh (that planet) (as opposed to the one we were just talking about)


-Daq (locative) pa' (room) pa'Daq (in the room) Dung (area above) DungDaq (at the air obove , overhead)

有些名詞不加 Daq 就已經表示位置的: naDev (area around here , hereabouts) pa' (area over there , thereabouts) Dat (everywhere , all places)

也有些動詞已經包含有位置的意思﹝如 ghoS (approach)﹞,句子中的名詞加 Daq 就多此一舉,但也不能說是錯的句子。

-vo' (from) pa' (room) pa'vo' (from the room)

-mo' (due to , because of) SuS (breeze) SuSmo' (due to the breeze)

-vaD (for , intended for) Qu' (mission) Qu'vaD (for the mission)

-'e' (topic) 加在要突顯、強調的名詞之後。



字首 - 動詞 -1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9



* (none) (me) (you) (him/her/it) (I) jI- * qa- vI- (we) ma- * pI- wI- (you) bI- cho- * Da- (you) (imperative) yI- HI- * yI- (you) (plural) Su- tu- * bo- (you) (imperative , plural) pe- HI- * yI- (he/she/it) * mu- Du- * (they) * mu- nI- lu-

* (us) (you) (plural) (them) (I) * Sa- vI- (we) * re- DI- (you) ju- * Da- (you) gho- * tI- (you) che- * bo- (you) gho- * tI- (he/she/it) nu- lI- * (they) nu- lI- *

Qong (sleep) jIQong (I sleep) legh (see) legh he/she/it sees him/her/it/them , them see them) qIp (hit) tIqIp (hit them !)


-'egh (oneself) qIp (hit) jIqIp'egh (I hit myself) ja' (tell) peja''egh (tell yourselves !)

-chuq (one another) qIp (hi)t maqIpchuq (we hit each other)


-nIS (need) legh (see) vIleghnIS (I need to see him/her) Sop (eat) bISopnIS (You need to eat)

-qang (willing)

Hegh (die) Heghqang (he/she is willing to die) ja' (tell) qaja'qang (I am willing to tell you)

-rup (ready , prerare (referring to beings) legh (see) qaleHrup (I am ready to see you) ja' (tell) nuja'rup (they are prepared to tell us)

-beH (ready , set up (referring to devices) poj (analyze) pojbeH ((the device) is set up to analyze it) lab (transmit data) labbeH (the device (is ready to transmit data)

有一個動詞 ghuS (to be prepared to launch , project (something) 後面不可加 rup,因為動詞本身已有 (prepared) 的意思了,所以這個動詞只能用於句子中沒有任何動詞時。

-vIp (afraid) HoH (kill) choHoHvIp (you are afraid to kill me) qIp (hit) nuqIpvIp (they are afraid to hit us)


-choH (change in state , change in direction) Do' (be lucky) maDo'choH (we are becoming lucky , we are undergoing a turn of luck) ghoS (go) ghoS choH (he/she is beinning to go (some where)

-qa' (resume) rej (search) vInejpa' (I am resuming the search , I am searching for him /her again)


-moH (cause) tIjwI'ghom (boarding party chen take form , take shape) tIjwI'ghom vIchenmoH (I form a boarding party , I cause a boarding party to be formed)


-lu' (indefinite subject) qaw (remember) Daqawlu' (someone/something remembers you , you are remembered) legh (see) wIleghlu' (someone/something sees us , we are seen) tu' (find , observe) tu'lu' (someone/something finds it , there is/there are)

-laH (can , able) legh (see) choleghlaH (you can see me) Qaw' (destroy) nuQaw'laH (he/she can destroy us)


-chu' (clearly , pefectly) yaj (understand) jIyajchu' (I understand clearly) baH (fire (a torpedo)) baHchu' (he/she fired (the torpedo) perfectly)

-bej (certainly , undoubtedly) chIm (be empty) chImbej (it is undoubtedly empty) SeH (control) nuSeHbej (he/she is certainly controlling us)

-law' (seemingly , apparently) chIm (be empty) chImlaw' (it appears to be empty , I think it is empty) SeH (control) nuSeHlaw' (he/she seems to be controlling us , I suspect he/she is controlling us)

-ba' (obviously) nepwI' (liar) Da (act in the manner of , behave as) nepwI' Daba' (he/she is obviously lying)


-pu' (perfective) legh (see) Daleghpu' (you have seen it) neH (want) vIneHpu' (I wanted them) ja' (tell) qaja'pu' (I told you)

-ta' (accomplished , done) Suq (get , acquire) vISuqta' (I have acquired it) HoH (kill) luHoHta' (they have killed him/her)

有個動詞,rIn (be finished , accomplished) 加 taH (continuous) 成為 rIntaH 可以代表動詞加 pu' 或 ta',但這是特別指做了且不能復原的事: HoH (kill) luHoH rIntaH (they have killed him/her) je' (purchase) vIje' rIntaH (I have purchased it)

-taH (continuous) ghoS (approach) nughoStaH (it is approaching us maintain this course) jun (evade , take evasive action) yIjuntaH (take evasive action !)

-lI' (in progress) chol (get close , come near chollI' it is getting closer) lI' (transmit data to a place) vIlI'lI' (I am transmitting (the data)) taH 使用於有目標或沒目標皆可,lI' 只能用於有目標時。


-neS (honorific) legh (see) qaleghneS (I am honored to see you) ja' (tell) HIja'neS (do me the honor of telling me)


-DI' (as soon as , when) SeH (control) DaSeHDI' (as soon as you control it) ra' (command) qara'DI' (as soon as I command you)

-chugh (if) neH (want) DaneHchugh (if you want them) la' (tell) choja'chugh (if you tell me)

-pa' (before) ja' (tell) choja'pa' (before you tell me) ra' (command) qara'pa' (before I command you)

-vIS (while) 這個字尾常常和 taH 連用。 Sutlh (negotiate) SutlhtaHvIS (while they are negotiating) Qong (sleep) bIQongtaHvIS (while you are sleeping)

-meH (for , for the purpose of , in order to) ja' (tell) ja'chuqmeH (in order to tell each other) jagh (enemy) HoH (kill) nej (seek , search for) jagh luHoHmeH jagh lunejtaH (they are searching for the enemy in order to kill him/her)

-'a' (interrogative) legh (see) cholegh'a' (do you see me ?) yaj (understand) yaj'a' (does he/she understand ?)

-wI' (one who does , thing which does) So' (cloak , hide) So'wI' (cloaking device) baH (fire (a torpedo)) baHwI' (gunner) joq (wave) joqwI' (flag)

-mo' (because) qan (be old) bIqanmo' (because you are old) Hegh (die) yaS (officer) Heghpu'mo' yaS (because the officer died)

-jaj (may) ghIj (scare) DaghIjjaj (may you scare) chIl (lose) chIljaj (may they lose)

-ghach nominalizer lo'laH (be) valuable lo'laHghach (value) naDHa' (discommend) naDHa'ghach (discommendation)


-be' (not) lo' (use) vIlo'laHbe' (they are useless to me , I cannot use them) SaH (care , be concerned about) jISaHbe' (I don't care (which of several courses of action is followed)) qay' (be a problem , be a hassle) qay'be' (it's not a problem , no problem) (exclamation) HoH (kill) choHoHvIpbe' (you are not afraid to kill me) HoH (kill) choHoHbe'vIp (you are afraid to not kill me) be' 不能加在命令的動詞之後。

-Qo' (don't , won't) ja' (tell) yIja'Qo' (don't tell him/her !) HoH (kill) HIHoHvIpQo' (don't be afraid to kill me !) Qo' 可以加在命令的動詞之後。

-Ha' (undo) chen (take form) chenHa'moHlaH (it can cause them to undo their form , it can destroy them) chu' (engage , activate) yIchu'Ha' (disengage it !) Do' (be luckly , fortunate) Do'Ha' (it is unforunate)

-qu' (emphatic) HoH (kill) pIHoHvIpbe'qu' (we are "not" afraid to kill you) HoH (kill) pIHoHvIpqu'be' (we are not "afraid" to kill you) HoH (kill) pIHoHqu'vIpbe' (we are not afraid to "kill" you) Duj (ship , vessel) tIn (be big) Dujmey tInpu' (very big ships)

第五類名詞字尾可加於 qu' 之後用來修飾名詞: veng (city) tIn (be big) venDaq tInqu' (something very big in the city) veng (city) tIn (be big) ven tInqu'Daq (in the very big city)



-maH (×10)

-vatlh (×100)

-SaD (×1000)

-SanID (×1000) SaD 和 SanID這兩個字尾使用的頻率一樣,我們不知道為何有兩個代表相同倍數的字尾。

-netlh (×10000)

-bIp (×100000)

-'uy' (×1000000)

vagh 5 wej 3 loS 4 Soch 7 vaghSad wejvatlh loSmaH Soch 5347 jav 6 loS 4 javvatlh loS 604

數字當然也是名詞的一種,但如果為複數,加不加 pu'、Du'、mey 都無所謂: loS (four) puq (child) loS (four children) vagh (five) yuQ (planet) vaghmaH yuQmey (fifty planets)

名詞和數字名詞之間的位置不同意思也不同,其實名詞和非數字名詞之間也是一樣的﹝還記得 noun1 of noun2 的寫法嗎?﹞: DuS (torpedo) wa' (one) DuS wa' (torpedo tube number one) wa' (one) DuS (torpedo) wa' DuS (one torpedo tube)

-DIch (ordinal numbers) Hut 9 HutDIch 9th wej 3 wa' 1 wejmaH wa'DIch 31st

-logh (notion of repetitions) wa' (one) wa'logh (once) chorgh (eight) chorghlogh (eight times)


連接詞分“連接名詞”和“連接句子”兩種,連接名詞時連接詞放在最後一個名詞之後,連接句子時則放在各句子之間。 DeS (arm) 'uS (leg) je (and) DeS 'uS je (an arm and a leg) DeS (arm) 'uS (leg) joq (and/or) DeS 'uS joq (an arm or a leg or both) DeS (arm) 'uS (leg) ghap (either/or) DeS 'uS ghap (either an arm or a leg (but not both) Sop eat Qong sleep 'ach (but) jISoptaH 'ach QongtaH (I am eating , but he/she is sleeping .)

連接名詞的連接詞 je 如果放在動詞之後則有 also , too 的意思: legh (see) qaleghpu' je (I also saw you , I saw you too)


副詞放在句子最前面,若句子中有指出確切的時間或是受詞特別被強調﹝加上 'e' ﹞,則放在確切的時間或被強調的受詞之後,但有兩個副詞 neH (only , merely , just) 和 jay (intensely) 一定放在句子之後:

wej (not yet) legh (see) wej vIlegh (I don't see him/her yet) DaHjaj (today) nom (quickly) Sop (eat) DaHjaj nom Soppu' (Today they ate quickly) HaqwI' (surgeon) DaH (now) Sam (find) HaqwI''e' DaH yISam (find the "surgeon" now !) qama' (prisoner) qIp (hit) neH (only , merely , just) qama' vIqIppu' neH (I merely hit the prisoner)

有時候副詞可以獨自成為一個句子: nom (fast , quickly) nom (move fast ! move quickly !) tugh (soon) tugh (hurry up !)


除了回答 Yes 或 No 的問句是在動詞之後加 'a' 外,還有其它類型的問句,這類問句的語法必須依回答句的語法而定: yaS (officer) legh (see) 'Iv (who) yaS legh 'Iv (Who see the officer ?) 'Iv (who) legh (see) yaS (officer) 'Iv legh yaS (Whom does the officer see ?)

在 yaS legh 'Iv 中,回答一定是 A sees the officer . ,A為主詞,故 who 取代了 A 的位置成為問句。在 Iv' legh yaS 中,回答一定是 The officer sees A .,A為受詞,故 who 取代了 A 的位置成為問句。


Klingon 單字沒有 be 的意思,因為代名詞已有包含 be 的意思,故代名詞也可加上動詞字尾: tlhIngan (Klingon) jIH (I) tlhIngan jIH (I am Klingon) puq (child) chaH (they) puqpu' chaH (they are children) pa' (room) jIH (I) pa'wIjDaq jIHtaH (I am in my room)

如果代名詞的位置換成一般名詞,則句子最後的名詞需加上 'e' : puq (child) chaH (they) qama' (prisoner) puqpu' chaH qam'pu''e' (the prisoners are children) pa' (room) ghaH (he/she) la' (commander) pa'DajDaq ghaHtaH la''e' (the commander is in his room)


A is Q than B .,這樣的句子可表示為 A's Q is many . B's Q is few ,故: la' (commander) jaq (be bold) law' (be many) yaS (officer) puS (be few) la' jaq law' yaS jaq puS (the commander is bolder than the officer) la' (commander) jaq (be bold) law' (be many) Hoch (all) puS (be few) la' jaq law' Hoch jaq puS (the commander is boldest of all)

A want to V .,V是動詞這樣的句子可表示為 AV . A want it .,故: Qong (sleep) neH (want) jIQong vIneH (I want to sleep) legh (see) neH (want) Dalegh vIneH (I want you to see him/her) qama' (prisoner) jon (capture) neH (want) qama'pu' vIjonta' vIneH (I want to capture prisoners)

veH Qav logh
'ejDo' ent'pray lengmey bIH
Qu' taH
nejbogh qo'mey Huj 'ej qo'mey chu'
nejbogh yIn taymoHghachpu' je chu'
jaq 'ej jaHbogh pa' jaHpu'pa' pagh

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