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註冊時間:2002-05-07 16:32 |
(第 311 篇)
2020/01/29 的免費書籍為
Hands-On Data Science with R
By Vitor Bianchi Lanzetta, Nataraj Dasgupta, Ricardo Anjoleto Farias
A hands-on guide for professionals to perform various data science tasks in R
Nov 2018
420 pages
Key Features
Explore the popular R packages for data science
Use R for efficient data mining, text analytics and feature engineering
Become a thorough data science professional with the help of hands-on examples and use-cases in R
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發表時間:2020-01-29 14:08 |
註冊時間:2002-05-07 16:32 |
(第 312 篇)
2020/01/30 的免費書籍為
pfSense 2.x Cookbook - Second Edition
By David Zientara
A practical, example-driven guide to configuring even the most advanced features of pfSense 2.x
Dec 2018
298 pages
Key Features
Build a high-availability fault-tolerant security system with pfSense 2.x
Leverage the latest version of pfSense to secure your cloud environment
A recipe-based guide that will help you enhance your on-premise and cloud security principles
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發表時間:2020-01-30 12:26 |
註冊時間:2002-05-07 16:32 |
(第 313 篇)
2020/01/31 的免費書籍為
Learning Einstein Analytics
By Santosh Tukaram Chitalkar
Learn to confidently setup and create app, lenses, dashboards using Salesforce Einstein Analytics
Jan 2018
242 pages
Key Features
Explore Einstein analytics on desktop as well as mobile platforms
Turn data into smarter sales with Einstein Analytics for Sales
Visualize your data with preloaded as well as customized dashboards
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發表時間:2020-01-31 09:42 |
註冊時間:2002-05-07 16:32 |
(第 314 篇)
2020/02/01 的免費書籍為
Generative Adversarial Networks Cookbook
By Josh Kalin
Simplify next-generation deep learning by implementing powerful generative models using Python, TensorFlow and Keras
Dec 2018
268 pages
Key Features
Understand the common architecture of different types of GANs
Train, optimize, and deploy GAN applications using TensorFlow and Keras
Build generative models with real-world data sets, including 2D and 3D data
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發表時間:2020-02-01 13:26 |
註冊時間:2002-05-07 16:32 |
(第 315 篇)
2020/02/03 的免費書籍為
Recurrent Neural Networks with Python Quick Start Guide
By Simeon Kostadinov
Learn how to develop intelligent applications with sequential learning and apply modern methods for language modeling with neural network architectures for deep learning with Python's most popular TensorFlow framework.
Nov 2018
122 pages
Key Features
Train and deploy Recurrent Neural Networks using the popular TensorFlow library
Apply long short-term memory units
Expand your skills in complex neural network and deep learning topics
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發表時間:2020-02-03 11:35 |
註冊時間:2002-05-07 16:32 |
(第 316 篇)
2020/02/04 的免費書籍為
Python High Performance - Second Edition
By Dr. Gabriele Lanaro
Learn how to use Python to create efficient applications
May 2017
270 pages
Key Features
Identify the bottlenecks in your applications and solve them using the best profiling techniques
Write efficient numerical code in NumPy, Cython, and Pandas
Adapt your programs to run on multiple processors and machines with parallel programming
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發表時間:2020-02-04 12:04 |
註冊時間:2002-05-07 16:32 |
(第 317 篇)
2020/02/05 的免費書籍為
Modern Python Cookbook
By Steven F. Lott
The latest in modern Python recipes for the busy modern programmer
Nov 2016
692 pages
Key Features
Develop succinct, expressive programs in Python
Learn the best practices and common idioms through carefully explained and structured recipes
Discover new ways to apply Python for the new age of development
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發表時間:2020-02-05 09:57 |
註冊時間:2002-05-07 16:32 |
(第 318 篇)
2020/02/06 的免費書籍為
Software Architecture with Python
By Anand Balachandran Pillai
Architect and design highly scalable, robust, clean, and highly performant applications in Python
Apr 2017
556 pages
Key Features
Identify design issues and make the necessary adjustments to achieve improved performance
Understand practical architectural quality attributes from the perspective of a practicing engineer and architect using Python
Gain knowledge of architectural principles and how they can be used to provide accountability and rationale for architectural decisions
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發表時間:2020-02-06 09:36 |
註冊時間:2002-05-07 16:32 |
(第 319 篇)
2020/02/07 的免費書籍為
Mastering Python Regular Expressions
By Félix López, Víctor Romero
For Python developers, this concise and down-to-earth guide to regular expressions is all you need to gain vital new knowledge. From a theoretical overview to Python specifics, it explains everything in crystal clear language.
Feb 2014
110 pages
Key Features
Explore the workings of Regular Expressions in Python
Learn all about optimizing regular expressions using RegexBuddy
Full of practical and step-by-step examples, tips for performance, and solutions for performance-related problems faced by users all over the world
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發表時間:2020-02-07 09:37 |
註冊時間:2002-05-07 16:32 |
(第 320 篇)
2020/02/08 的免費書籍為
Modular Programming with Python
By Erik Westra
Introducing modular techniques for building sophisticated programs using Python
May 2016
246 pages
Key Features
The book would help you develop succinct, expressive programs using modular deign
The book would explain best practices and common idioms through carefully explained and structured examples
It will have broad appeal as far as target audience is concerned and there would be take away for all beginners to Python
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發表時間:2020-02-08 14:26 |
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