∮Ω奧米加空間∮»數位典藏區»【轉貼】忍者龜.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.Konami.智冠
作者 |
主題 |

註冊時間:2002-05-07 16:32 |
(第 1 篇) 【轉貼】忍者龜.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.Konami.智冠
中文名稱 | 忍者龜 | 英文名稱 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 研發製作 | Konami | 遊戲類型 | 動作 | 代理廠商 | 智冠 | 上市日期 | 1990 | 適用系統 | Dos | 售價 | NT $270 | 入手價格 | NT $ | 入手日期 | | 規格 | 四片 360K 磁片 / 兩片 720K 磁片 |
小時候我媽有買智冠版本的忍者龜給我當生日禮物,但這片被我姊的同學借走後,從此就消失了 XD
智冠代理的版本為4片 360k
圖片是用 myabandonware 的磁片版本截圖


it appears that pressing A + S + D + F + G + H activates a walkthrough-walls code and pressing Q + W + E + R + T + Y + U + P activates an invincibility code. My keyboard-mashing somehow activated both codes. (You'll know the code worked if you see "ON" or "OFF" flash at the bottom of the screen.)
穿牆同時按下 A + S + D + F + G + H
無敵同時按下 Q + W + E + R + T + Y + U + P
下面會快速顯示 ON 或 OFF
01 0170 1109 9770 0533 0138 1221 0610 0049 0152 0076 9254 0531 9225 8836 9282 8865
02 8272 1192 8788 1066 0661 8266 8165 0082 1065 0532 0010 9349 9794 0545 1168 1536
03 9828 0690 0217 8428 0118 9275 8733 9230 8839 1091 8865 1104 9895 8788 0170 1237
04 8810 0053 0154 1101 0550 0019 0137 9284 9762 9745 8840 1220 8930 1137 9912 1628
05 9902 1751 9963 8949 0250 8445 1150 0575 1055 9871 0583 0163 1233 0616 9268 9882
06 0589 8358 1235 0617 8244 9370 9805 8742 1171 1737 8804 9394 9945 8812 1206 8923
07 8301 9398 8795 1069 8854 8267 0165 8274 8233 0020 1034 8709 9218 0641 1088 1696
08 9808 0680 0212 1258 0629 9274 0669 0078 1191 0595 9257 0660 9270 8869 9298 1705
09 1620 1706 9941 9962 0757 1274 1789 0638 0191 0223 9327 0567 0026 1165 0582 9251
10 0657 9288 8868 9298 1705 8788 1194 9941 8810 0181 1242 1645 0566 0155 0205 9318
11 9779 0537 8332 8390 9315 8753 8216 8332 8262 1059 8721 8200 9348 8770 1057 8848
12 1096 9892 1618 0681 8404 0234 9333 8762 0029 1166 1607 0547 9361 0712 9316 8882
13 0089 8364 1110 9771 8725 9354 8901 1122 1713 1624 0684 9430 0747 9333 8890 9309
14 1710 1623 1707 9941 0746 9461 1786 0637 1214 0735 0111 9399 0603 0045 1174 9803
15 0549 9362 8905 0100 9208 8793 9260 0662 8267 8357 9298 8745 1044 1674 8773 9378
16 0721 1128 1716 9818 0685 9430 1771 0629 8378 9437 0622 1079 1691 9805 0678 9427
17 1769 9844 8890 9437 8942 1143 1723 8797 0174 9431 1643 9781 1690 9933 1766 0755
18 1273 9980 9854 9919 8927 8431 1271 1659 1597 0670 9423 0743 9331 1721 0604 8366
19 9431 9835 8757 1178 8909 1196 0691 1113 9900 9814 9899 8917 8426 8437 1146 1597
20 1566 0655 0199 9443 0625 0056 8348 9290 0551 8211 8329 0068 8226 8209 9224 1544
21 8706 1153 9920 1632 9904 1752 0848 1270 0763 9347 9918 9823 1711 8919 1259 0757
22 1146 9917 0606 0175 1239 9835 0565 0154 8397 0102 0051 1049 9740 9734 9859 8897
23 8416 8432 8312 1084 1566 1551 9868 9923 0737 1264 8952 9340 0702 1119 8879 9303
24 0683 1109 1706 9813 0682 0213 1258 0629 0058 0157 0078 0039 0019 9225 0516 9218
25 8833 9280 1696 8784 1192 0729 1130 0693 9306 0683 0086 1195 0597 9258 9877 0586
26 1189 1746 0617 0180 0218 9325 9782 0539 1165 8302 9931 0689 8280 9364 9302 1574
27 8725 8330 9413 1634 1585 1988 0716 9446 0755 9337 8893 9310 8839 8279 8363 1103
28 1578 8725 0138 0167 1122 0561 0024 0140 9286 0547 9233 8840 9284 8866 1105 0072
29 1108 9898 1621 9898 1749 0746 1269 0782 0125 0190 0095 0047 9239 0523 3335 1154
30 9793 0544 0144 0392 0100 0050 1049 9740 0518 9347 8897 9312 8880 8280 1196 1622
31 1579 9877 9930 9957 1778 1785 1788 0766 9471 9983 9855 1727 1759 1775 0759 0251
32 0253 0126 9279 0543 9231 1671 0579 1185 0720 9320 9908 0602 1197 8918 0107 0181
33 8282 9261 0534 1035 1669 9794 9889 0720 1256 8948 0122 0189 0286 0046 0023 8203
34 0005 0002 8193 0000 0000 8192 0000 0000 1024 0512 0000 0128 0064 0032 0016 0008
35 0004 0002 0001 9216 0512 9216 1664 0576 1184 0720 0104 0180 0090 0045 9238 0523
36 0005 8322 9281 0544 1040 8840 0068 0162 1105 9768 0532 9354 1733 9826 1713 0728
37 1260 9974 0635 9405 8926 9327 1719 8795 1197 0726 8299 0181 9306 8749 0022 1163
38 1605 9762 9873 0712 1252 8746 0121 9404 1730 9775 8855 9419 1765 1650 8889 0220
39 0238 8311 9375 9757 1550 8839 1219 9953 1648 9912 8924 0238 1271 8827 9211 0670
40 8271 1191 9811 1577 0660 8391 9445 9842 1593 1692 1742 9959 9971 9977 1788 8958
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
DOS - 1990
Alt names げきかめにんじゃでん, 激亀忍者伝, "Les Tortues Ninja", Gekikame Ninja Den, TMHT, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles, Tortugas Ninja
Year 1990
Platform DOS
Released in Australia, France, United States
Genre Action
Theme Licensed Title, Ninja, Platform, TV Cartoons
Publisher Image Works, Ultra Software Corporation
Developer Konami Industry Co. Ltd.
Perspectives 2D scrolling, Side view, Diagonal-down
06 A3 18 83 C4 02 3B 46 E2 74 14 8D 46 F0 50 9A
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- EB -- -- -- -- -- --
46 F0 50 9A D4 06 6C 1B 83 C4 02 3B 46 E2 74 11
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- EB --
50 9A D6 06 39 18 83 C4 02 3B 46 E2 74 11 8D 46
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- EB -- -- --
Teenage-Mutant-Ninja-Turtles_DOS_EN_Disk-Images.zip 磁片 img
Teenage-Mutant-Ninja-Turtles_DOS_EN_European-release.zip 硬碟版
與後面的 2 片 720K img
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sewer fix.zip
Teenage-Mutant-Ninja-Turtles_DOS_EN_US-release.zip 硬碟版
美版 1.0 版需要使用更新檔修正第三關的錯誤
There were two U.S. versions. The first one (version 1.0) had the design flaw in the sewers in level 3, making it impossible to beat without cheats. However, there was a revision (labeled "version 2.0") which had that bug fixed, like the european version. The files needed to fix the flaw are available at the "PC Gaming Wiki".
The original North American release has an impossible jump in the sewers. This was fixed for later releases. The original release can be patched to correct this issue.
Use sewer fix
Use the sewer fix to patch the affected version.
About This File
Fix for the impossible jump in the original North American release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The European release (Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles) and the North American re-release (Version 2.0) are already patched.
Extract the DATA folder and its contents to the installation folder (confirm the replacement of the existing files when prompted).
This fix replaces L3-06.ATP and L3-06.MPP with the corrected versions used in later releases.
這個版本是 2 片 720K
1-2 在第一片,3-4 在第二片
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [v2.0] (MS-DOS 3.5" Floppy)
by Konami Industry Co. Ltd.
Publication date 1989
Topics MS-DOS Games, Floppy Disk
Item Size 1.6M
With April O'Neil held hostage by The Shredder's thugs, Bebop and Rocksteady, once again, it's up to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to come to her rescue! Play as all four of the turtle heroes, rescue April, and then rescue your sensei Splinter from Mecha-Turtles clutches, and then go after The Shredder deep in the bowels of The Technodrome itself.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is an action game based on the late eighties/early nineties cartoon series of the same name. Play as Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Donatello and Raphael (one turtle only, but the ability to swap between turtles at any time) as you save your friends and battle The Shredder and his cronies. There are no 'lives', as such - when you lose a turtle, he becomes 'captured', and you cannot use him again until you rescue him from a place hidden in the overworld.
Gameplay takes place in two perspectives: a top-down view, which lets you run around and explore buildings, sewers and other places. When entering places from the top-down view, the perspective shifts to a side-scrolling view, where most of the battling takes place. In addition to each turtle's main weapon, sub-weapons (such as shuriken) can be acquired, to use at foes - these have a limited use.
These disk images were made from the original floppies using WinImage.
Addeddate 2019-10-03 20:31:46
Identifier tmnt1_201910
Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4
這個是二代 橫向動作遊戲
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (MS-DOS)
by Konami
Publication date 1992
Topics TMNT, DOS
Item Size 787.1K
(the copy protection screen is cracked, just type a random 4 digit number)
April O'Neil, the reporter friend of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, is kidnapped by the villainous Shredder and his two goons, Bebop and Rocksteady. The four ninja turtles: Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello and Leonardo fight their way through hordes of Foot Soldiers in order to rescue April. They battle familiar foes such as the mad scientist Baxter Stockman, General Traag from Dimension X and the evil alien brain Krang, up to the final showdown with Shredder himself.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is an arcade game made by Konami during the height of the cartoon series' popularity. Depending on the version of the game, up to two, three or four players can take part in the action. The game plays like a simplified Double Dragon. While most of the standard Foot Soldier enemies are easily dispatched, some attack with knives or ray guns and are thus more dangerous. At the end of each level, players encounter a boss (or in certain cases two bosses working in tandem, such as Bebop and Rocksteady).
The NES version of the game, renamed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game in the West, features additional content not present in other versions of the game: two new levels (Snowy Central Park and The Dojo), new bosses (including Tora, Shogun and Baxter Stockman as a fly), additional music tracks as well as more variations of Foot Soldiers.
Addeddate 2020-12-14 03:39:36
Collection_added emulation
Emulator dosbox
Emulator_ext zip
Emulator_start TURTLES.exe
Identifier tmnt_dos
Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4
Year 1992

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